CBD oil and seborrheic keratosis

You know how minor health issues have a way of sneaking up on you? One of mine was a grayish looking wart that had popped up on my face and stayed for a couple of years. Because I had been briefly seeing a dermatologist for pyoderma faciale, and she hadn’t been able to help meContinue reading “CBD oil and seborrheic keratosis”

Emu oil helps my pyoderma faciale (acne rosacea)

If I had to pick only one topical to manage my pyoderma faciale (acne rosacea), it would be emu oil.

Skin care starts from the inside out

Our skin is the biggest organ we have, and we as a society tend to treat it like a measure of beauty only and not of health. It’s not vain to take care of your skin; it’s just as important as taking care of the rest of you.